

Delta Accelerator Startups



Alex Rozgo

Co-Founder and Technical Advisor

Developing games and simulations for humans and AI. I design and develop interactive dynamical systems for virtual and augmented reality games and simulations. I’m interested in crazy ideas, body tech upgrades, life extension, curing cancer; or creating virtual worlds where none of this matters. Unreal Engine 4 is my engine of choice. Using physics, AI and control systems for building immersive experiences with HTC Vive and Oculus.

More than 10 years working with Unity3D, more than 11 years building for mobile and more than 20 years developing games. Have worked on everything from TRS-80 to Xbox and Playstation, graphics and networking, audio and physics.

Nothing is harder than building simple things. I manage complexity by building blocks from first principles. Love the speed of C and beauty of Haskell. I'm functional first, design with types and develop with tests.

About Vertex

A games and simulation company building amazing things driven by physics, rendering, simulation and machine learning in real-time. UE4 · EOS · Tensorflow · C++ · Rust